Home Learning
Welcome to the home learning page.
On March 8th 2021, the children returned to school and it was wonderful to see all their happy, smiley faces and to get back to some sense of normality.
However, in the coming weeks there will be times when your child may need to isolate because they have tested positive for COVID 19 or someone in your household has tested positive. In that instance, we have provide one week's work to cover that period.
Your child's work can be found on their own class page when they log on to the DB learning platform. For example, if they are in Elm class, they would log on to the class page and go to the Home Learning tab to find their work.
This meets the expectations set out in the DfE guidance ‘Remote Education Support’
Simply click on the class links to access the learning.
You will also find lots of other resources by clicking on the Oak National Academy link below.
Useful websites
Every child in school can access the DB website from home using their own log on details and there are always activities and homework tasks they can complete.
Spelling Shed and TT Rockstars are a regular resource used in school which children can still access while at home - they have their own log ons