History Curriculum

History Intent
History is an important part of teaching and learning at Brudenell, and along with Geography, is a key aspect of cross-curricular learning which includes Art and English. It is studied in EYFS, KS1 and KS2 in order to help children to obtain an understanding of significant events and people of the past, and their impact upon modern society.
The main focuses of the teaching and learning of History are:
· Ordering events in time
· Finding differences and similarities
· Writing and talking about the past
· Using different sources of information
· Asking and answering questions
All the children will investigate these at some point, aiming to link what has happened in the past to how it affects us now.
Our intent is to help children to make sense of past events, including those in the far past and how they can still affect us today. Through the teaching of History, children are encouraged to ask questions about how and why things happened, as well as when. By looking at significant figures in History, we hope to inspire them to believe that they can also have an influence upon the future of their society.
History Implementation
History is taught in a variety of ways across the school. Where possible, practical activities are used, such as researching significant events and individuals or investigating historical artefacts. High quality fiction and non-fiction texts are used in order to spark the children’s imagination and to support them in History, and English, lessons. Children learn specific vocabulary related to each topic, they make detailed sketches of artefacts and use their historical knowledge and understanding to create models and images in Art and Design. Each year, the pupils revisit the skills learned previously, so that they can build upon their knowledge and have a deeper understanding of each topic.
History is taught over a three-year cycle that covers all the curriculum objectives: