Parenting Support
Place2Be have launched a new parent resource that may be of interest to you: After piloting with parents and carers in their partner schools, they have launched Parenting Smart for all UK parents and carers of 4-11 year olds. The Parenting Smart site is completely free to use and access, full of tips and advice on a range of topics including transition to secondary school, meltdowns, and sleep difficulties. Visit their full site for the latest resources.

Places that can also help
Mental Health Support for Children and Young people - Mindmate
Kooth online counselling - an emotional wellbeing service Kooth online counselling is a free, safe and anonymous service for 10–18-year-olds where young people can chat 1-2-1 with counsellors, access selfhelp articles 24/7 and connect with peers through live moderated forums.
Activity .1. Try doing a 'Wheel of Life'
- Give each segment an aspect of life - we use Friends, home, health, school, family, future, self confidence and fun.
- Choose a segment and decide how happy with that aspect of your life you are
- Colour in to the level e.g 0 -it's terrble to 10 the best it could be
- Repeat for each segment
- Now look at at each segment - write at outer part of each segment what is stopping it from being a 10
- Repeat for each segment
- Now look at what" I can do to make it a 10? "
- Reflect and discuss